Save The Alien, Save Your Soul: This VR Film Turns Empathy Into Action - Rickey J. White, Jr. | RJW™
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Save The Alien, Save Your Soul: This VR Film Turns Empathy Into Action

Save The Alien, Save Your Soul: This VR Film Turns Empathy Into Action

Will you rescue Cheez? Baobab Studio’s interactive short Asteroids! encourages viewers’ participation by tapping into their emotions.

Will you rescue Cheez? Baobab Studio’s interactive short Asteroids! encourages viewers’ participation by tapping into their emotions.

When Eric Darnell talks about what makes for good storytelling, he knows of what he speaks. The screenwriter and director of all four Madagascar films and the director of Antz, Darnell has been studying what works and doesn’t in stories for years.

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Source: Fast Company

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